Fat Burning Swimming Workout – With A Partner
Swimming is known as an excellent full body exercise - that is low impact, but it can also be made as a high intensity...
Flat Abs Workout
Its summer time. Why not keep those abs flat and ready for the swimsuit anytime the opportunity arises. Here is a quick workout you...
Butt & Gut Workout
How is your summer ready body coming along? I totally understand - even the best of us are not always in our best swimsuit...
Weekend Ready Butt & Gut Workout
Get rid of that gut and tone that butt with these workouts that target your glutes, quads, hamstrings and core.
For each exercise, perform 10...
At Home – Staircase Workout
Getting out and about for our wellness / fitness activities is not the norm anymore. With some innovation and design - you can get...
49 Summer Fitness Tips
With us just in the beginning of summer - there is plenty of time still to get comfortable in any of the swimming suits...
How to use a foam roller
Foam Rolling is a easy self type of massage that can have some serious benefits such as..
Muscle tension relief
Correcting mucle imbalances
What The Heck Is Myofascial Physical Therapy?
How often do you deal with chronic aches and pains? How well are you able to recover after a tough workout?
If you’re experiencing pain...
Achieve More and Enjoy the Day
The human capacity to produce and create is extraordinary.
Yet sometimes this gift can also be a curse!
It’s not uncommon to fall into the habit...
Core Strength – And Why It Is Important
Would you like to avoid back injuries?
Although there is always a risk of damaging the core – or overworking it,...