4 Minute Workout for Busy Parents
As busy parents and professionals - time is not always on our side - particularly when it comes to ourselves. And thus such things...
Rainy Day Workouts
Here in the Houston area...the last several days have been a bit wet...
This wet weather can leave a damper on your good intentions to...
12 Minute Anywhere Workout
Contrary to many of the exercise programs out there on TV and in the fitness magazines as well as many of the personal trainers...
How do you measure your weight loss success?
Weight, body composition and circumference measurements are only a few of the many tools used to gather evidence of your progress. They should not,...
Workout Finishers – Boost Your Workout
Finishers are short super high intensity circuit usually lasting 3–10 minutes that you add at the end of main workout session. Finishers are a...
Habits and Behavior to ensure your Fat Loss
Self-directed fat loss programs fail 98% of the time, but not because fat loss is so hard. It’s because most people make fat loss...
BootCamp – Quick Full Body Workout
At BootCamp this morning along with a Spartan Series we also did an Interval SuperSet workout combined with a Shoulder Enduro Series...both of which...
Commercial 2 Minute Core Workout
Workout and Commercials...two words that you typically don't think you can put together that leads to a positive outcome to your fitness, health and...
Fat Blasting Cardio Workout
Sometimes standard cardio can be...well, lets say boring. I always say to my personal training and online training clients that workouts should (and can)...
Busy Parent Workout
As busy parents - time is not always on our side. Sometimes every minute counts. If you have a workout planned for the day...