The Best Exercise for Aging Gracefully
Ready to rise? Let's pay homage to the exercise for healthy aging. Then, take a seat again—that's your first set.
A complete workout targets all...
Habits and Behavior to ensure your Fat Loss
Self-directed fat loss programs fail 98% of the time, but not because fat loss is so hard. It’s because most people make fat loss...
Ways to Make Fitness Fun
Is fitness fun to you? How did going to the gym become such a chore? Why is it so hard to actually want to...
4 Minute Workout for Busy Parents
As busy parents and professionals - time is not always on our side - particularly when it comes to ourselves. And thus such things...
Rainy Day Workouts
Here in the Houston area...the last several days have been a bit wet...
This wet weather can leave a damper on your good intentions to...
5 Exercises For Your Lower Abs
Let’s dive into five effective exercises that specifically target the lower abs. Strengthening this area not only enhances your core stability but also contributes to better...
5 Ways To Help Improve Your Posture
Good posture is essential for overall health and well-being. Whether you spend long hours at a desk or have a physically demanding job, maintaining proper...
Unlocking Youthfulness: How Mobility Training Can Turn Back the Clock
As we age, our bodies undergo various changes. Muscles lose strength, joints become less flexible, and movement patterns may become restricted. But what if...
Elements of a Good Stretch
A good stretch is something we all can use during these times of being at home, social distancing, etc. There are numerous benefits when...
Drop A Dress Size Workout
Got a wedding to go to or your high school reunion? Or maybe you just want to fit into your 'skinny jeans'. Today I...