Bodyweight exercise program, adventure or spartan race training plans, workout motivation – you name it – you’ll find a story about it here. We stay on top of all the latest fitness trends and research.

pearland weight loss

Want to Lose Weight – Dieting is NOT the Best Answer

What if you were to discover some new ways that will steadily awaken your natural hidden fat burning machinery to slim you down and...

7 Top Motivation Lessons

There are always keys that open the door to the success you are after….below are 7 simple ones that I suggest you follow to...

Become Inspired by those Around You

Birds of a feather flock together.   Look around at the people you mix with – what does this say about you? Ask yourself: How many of...
pearland fitness

5 Tips to Making Fitness a Priority

Committing to a fitness program is really hard.  It’s tough to stay motivated when you are the only one saying you have to do...
houston pearland weight loss

How to “Spot Reduce”

Contrary to what many different weight loss programs suggest it is not possible to spot reduce fat from one particular part of the body. Just...

Add Variety to your Cardio Workouts

Adding variety to your cardio routine not only helps you achieve a fuller workout but helps keep the routine from becoming boring. While some...
stretching, exercise, stress

Stress that Stretching is Important

You’ve managed to make time in your busy schedule for a workout session, but even so, you’re running late. In order to make up...

Exercise is a top Diabetes Management Tool

Everyone knows that exercise and good nutrition can do a lot to prevent or delay diabetes onset, but that they are also key factors in...
pearland weight loss goal

How can you finish what you started?

There’s no question about it – making the commitment to work off that extra fat is no easy task. Not only is it hard...

Your Stride and Gait

What is Stride and Gait? Though we often take thousands of steps a day in order to get closer to our destination, an abnormal gait...

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Become Inspired by those Around You

Birds of a feather flock together.   Look around at the people you mix with – what does this say about you? Ask yourself: How many of...
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