Bodyweight exercise program, adventure or spartan race training plans, workout motivation – you name it – you’ll find a story about it here. We stay on top of all the latest fitness trends and research.

Commercial 2 Minute Core Workout

Workout and Commercials...two words that you typically don't think you can put together that leads to a positive outcome to your fitness, health and...

Workout Finishers – Boost Your Workout

Finishers are short super high intensity circuit usually lasting 3–10 minutes that you add at the end of main workout session. Finishers are a...

What is Functional Fitness Training?

The definition, purpose, and look of functional fitness training. Some people in the gym push themselves to get bigger, faster, stronger. They’re athletic, and every...
office lower pack pain

Back Pain & Exercises

Back Pain - Simple Solutions Four out of five adults will experience significant low back pain sometime during their lives. As you get older, the chances...

Reduce Back Pain with Pilates

Do you suffer from chronic back pain? Are you afraid to see s specialist because you don’t want to just pop a few pills...

Simple Steps To Choosing Foods You Should Eat

More than anything I get questions in regards to what foods clients should eat...aka their diet plan.  Not because of the lack of options...

Exercising with Lower Back Pain

It’s a common problem for many who exercise. It makes everyday activity difficult, and scares a lot of people away from any physical activity....

How Can 15 Minutes Change Your Life

I realize that when one starts a weight loss, fitness or wellness program - most feel that success comes with hours...not minutes.  But I...

Monday Motivation – Rocking Chair Test

I hope you had a great weekend! Well it's Monday and it's Time to get back at it with a Motivational Boost! Anthony Robbins uses this...
suspension workout jc guidry iwellness life

7 Minute Suspension Workout for Busy Parents

Grab some suspension straps and get ready for a quick 7 minute, high-intensity interval workout. Keep your heart rate up working as hard as you...

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Self-directed fat loss programs fail 98% of the time, but not because fat loss is so hard. It’s because most people make fat loss...

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