Finishers are short super high intensity circuit usually lasting 3–10 minutes that you add at the end of main workout session. Finishers are a great way to put the final blow to anyone’s training session, traditional strength workout, run or long boring cardio session at the gym.
Implementing Finisher Circuits into your training program is a must and can help to develop faster fat loss, break past plateaus, bring up lagging body parts, improve cardio conditioning, develop warrior mind set and mental toughness.
Battle Ropes Finisher Circuit
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds each with no rest in between.
1. Battle Rope Alternating Lateral Side Step Waves
2. Battle Rope Up — Down Waves
3. Battle Rope Alternating Waves
4. Battle Rope Slither Waves
5. Battle Rope Jumping Jacks
6. Battle Rope Mini Waves
7. Battle Rope Grapplers Hip Toss
8. Battle Rope Alternating Lateral Side Step Waves
Isometrics Finisher
Perform each exercise for 60 seconds each. Complete 1 round
1. Wall Pushes
2. Chin Up Hold
3. Squat Hold at Bottom
4. Push Up Hold Halfway Down
Sandbag Finishers
Perform each exercise for 45 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds rest.
Complete 1 round.
1. Cleans
2. High Pulls
3. Shouldering
4. Rotational Lunges
5. Pull Thrus
Push Up Finisher
Perform each exercise for 45 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds rest.
Complete 1 round.
1. Push Ups
2. Spiderman Push Ups
3. Knee to Chest Push Ups
4. t-Raise Push Ups
5. Close Grip Push Ups
Blow by Blow
Perform each exercise for 60 seconds of work with no rest in between.
Complete 3 rounds.
1. DB High Pulls
2. Seated Rows
3. Bent Over Rows
Metabolic Finisher
Perform each exercise for 45 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds rest.
Complete 1 round.
1. Swings
2. Push Ups
3. Lunges
4. Rows
5. Mountain Climbers
TRX Finisher
Perform each exercise for 45 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds rest.
Complete 3 rounds.
1. TRX Suspended Row
2. TRX Atomic Push Ups
3. TRX Mountain Climbers
Complex Finishers
Perform each exercise for 45 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds rest.
Complete 3 rounds.
1. DB Burpee
2. Push Up Rows
3. Curl and Press
Carry Finisher
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds of work one after the other for 1 round
1. 1 Arm Overhead Carry
2. 1 Arm Racked Carry
3. 1 Arm Side Carry
4. 1 Arm Overhead Carry
5. 1 Arm Racked Carry
6. 1 Arm Side Carry
Animal Finisher
Perform each exercise for 60 seconds of work with no rest in between.
Complete 1-2 rounds.
1. Bear Crawl
2. Crab Walk
3. Gorilla Hops
4. Bunny Hops
Upper Body
Perform each exercise for 30 Seconds with no rest on between.
Complete 2 rounds.
1. Pike Push Ups
2. T-Raise Push Ups
3. Plank Builds
4. Side to Side Push Ups
5. Close Grip Push Ups
Legs Finisher
Perform each exercise for 60 seconds one after the other with no rest in between
1. Jump Squats
2. Reverse Lunges
3. Prisoner Squats
4. Jumping Lunges
5. Side Step Squats
You can find more finishers in our iWellness Life app .

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