Many of us have seen our in-person work life change dramatically over the last couple years.
There’s plenty of upsides – but also, you may very well end up glued to a desk all day with little separation between your work and home life.
Training from home can be a great way to break up your day (and give your mind a break).
Check out the free workout below…this was recently added to our iWellness Life app vault!
If you’re interested in staying active and moving even if you’re short on time and have little to no equipment, you can get started through the link below for just $10.
You’ll get:
- Immediate access to your workouts thru our iWellness Life app
- Access to me your Personal Trainer 24/7
- Huge library of workouts videos
- Wellness and success coaching thru the app
Try this workout below!
Warm up:
a) :20 Butt Kickers, :20 Ali Shuffle
b) 10 Tempo Air Squats
c) 10 Pushup + Shoulder Tap
d) :20 Hollow Hold, :20 Superhero Hold
Core on the floor:
3 Sets
:30 Oblique Taps
:30 Weighted Toe Touches
:30 Rest
a) Mountain Climbers
b) Russian Twists
a) 10 Boat Pose Shoulder Press
b) 15 Lying Leg Raises
c) 20 Jumping Squats
d) :30 Side Shuffle Floor Touch + :30 Speed Skaters
e) Rest
Repeat for 3-4 rounds
Cool Down:
10 Bird Dogs
10 Scorpions

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