The goals of this article is to take out complexity of eating right and give cheap simple solutions to provide to optimal health, proper body weight, and eating enjoyment.

Most of these meals are mini meals and take less than 3 minutes to prepare, require fewer than 3 ingredients, and cost less than 3 bucks. Successful eating plans most times fail because they are too much work and preparation. This plan removes that excuse.

Benefits of eating this way are, but not limited to:

  • Ideal body weight
  • Protection and preservation of lean body mass
  • Reduction of blood sugars, bad cholesterol, increased good cholesterol, triglycerides
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Regulated hormones through lower sugar, high fiber and increased healthy fats
  • Better sleep
  • Increased energy

Meal combinations by category


  • Protein drink meal replacement (1 scoop 6-8 ounces of water)
  • 1 egg, 3-4 egg white omelet, with lots of vegetables salsa or mustard
  • Boiled egg and an apple
  • Scrambled egg whites (2-4) and one egg, 2 slices of multi grain toast, 2-3 slices turkey bacon
  • Egg sandwich, 3-4 egg whites in between multigrain whole wheat/grain and slice of low fat cheddar turkey bacon optional
  • Bowl of all bran with skim milk and a tablespoon of whey protein mixed in
  • A power smoothie, 1 scoop of quality protein, a cup of frozen berries and 6-8 ounces of water
  • A handful of almonds or walnuts and an apple
  • 1 slice of multigrain toast, peanut butter and a piece of fruit
  • A Greek yogurt
  • Low fat low Sugar Yogurt with 1 tablespoon of whey protein mixed in
  • Steak and eggs, a sirloin or strip loin with 2 eggs/ or egg whites and a slice of multi grain toast


  • A power sandwich (thin multigrain bread with lean meat (chicken, turkey, tuna or salmon) veggies (lettuce tomato sprouts) and mustard. To make it really healthy wrap the sandwich in lettuce or spinach leaves
  • A full plate of 1/3rd clean protein, 1/3rd vegetables, 1/3 baked potato, rice, or pasta
  • Stir-fry with the same ratios above
  • Power salad, lots of greens, vegetables cheese to taste and a quality protein source. Low fat low sugar dressing
  • Light broth soup with vegetables and chicken
  • A bowl of hearty chili with beans and turkey or lean meat
  • Just a snack from the snack list, as sometimes lunch is not doable due to time constraints


  • An apple and a handful of nuts
  • Protein meal replacement (1 scoop with 8 ounces water)
  • Performance bar
  • 1-2 boiled eggs
  • Celery and salsa with cottage or ricotta cheese melted in
  • Tuna boats, celery with tuna
  • Celery with tzayiki with cottage or ricotta cheese blended in it
  • A power smoothie or ready to drink store bought smoothie
  • A meal replacement bar
  • A couple slices of lean protein and a piece of fruit
  • Greek yogurt
  • Fat free Cottage cheese
  • Regular yogurt, low fat low sugar
  • One piece of fruit (preferably and apple)
  • Vegetable sticks and low fat low sugar dip
  • Best dips are tzayiki, hummus, low fat low sugar ranch, salsa
  • ½ a power sandwich
  • Half a multi grain bagel with low fat cheddar cheese
  • Bowl of all bran with skim milk


  • Any recipe from this website
  • Stir-fry from scratch 30% clean protein, 30% vegetables, and 30% rice or pasta.
  • Flavor with spices and olive oil
  • Power plates, 1/3rd clean protein, 1/3rd vegetables, 1/3rd best starch (sweet potato, brown rice, whole grain pasta, baked potato, white rice in that order)
  • Note for weight loss reduce starch potion and double up on vegetable portion
  • When making fun foods, pizza macaroni and cheese etc., use our recipe versions to get the right ratios for health and wellness

Late night snacks

  • Probiotic yogurt
  • Cottage cheese
  • Protein smoothie
  • Apple and a handful of nuts
  • Bowl of all bran or approved high fiber cereal with skim milk and a bit of whey protein optional
  • Low salt light butter popcorn in moderation instead of chips

Supplements to guarantee macro and micronutrients are being meet from deficiency in diet and fussy eaters:

Desert and sweet tooth

  • Chocolate pudding and peanut butter (fat free Jell-O pudding, 1 scoop chocolate protein mix) 5 minutes later melt 1 tablespoon of peanut putter into it and serve. 4 servings
  • Fruit and nuts
  • Power parfait 1/3 yogurt, 1/3 granola, 1/3 berries
  • Chocolate cream cheese mouse. Mix 1 small tub of fat free cream cheese with 1 scoop chocolate protein powder 1-2 ounces of milk and 1 tablespoon of peanut butter. Serves 4.


  • Keep portions down for weight loss
  • Drink lots of water, don’t drink sugar

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JC Guidry
Exercise Physiologist, Personal Trainer, Wellness Coach, Author and Media Fitness Expert with over 20 years of experience in the health and fitness industry. Has served over 50,000 sessions from one-on-one, semi-private to large group BootCamp classes. Nationally and locally awarded Fitness expert on both ABC & CBS.