Parfait from French – means “perfect”
And with that definition – who could argue?
With so many available combinations – either by the traditional French style-dessert or the American variant – you just can’t go wrong.
But did you know you could load up this treat even more? How about a great post-workout reward? Or morning kick-off? Enjoy the parfait with even more protein now.
See for yourself in this delicious Protein Parfait recipe.
Take 1-6 ounce container Greek yogurt.
Mix well with 1/2 scoop Chocolate Protein Powder, and put that half in bottom of small glass.
Layer berries, peaches, or other desired fruit.
Then second half of the yogurt (you can also mix the top half with Vanilla Protein Powder, if desired).
** For some added texture – you can even add oats, granola mix, etc in the layers as well
Top with more fruit. Enjoy!

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