For over two decades now I have used a simple deck of 52 cards to provide a fun, calorie burning workout that my clients simply never forget. There are endless variations that you can use according to time, goals, etc…so have fun with it!
Today I want to share another variation that I put my BootCampers all the time…
What you need: One deck of playing cards and pair of dumbbells.
How it works: Shuffle the deck of cards and place the stack somewhere convenient. Once you’ve warmed up, flip the first card and do the exercise that corresponds with the suit (see below). Every suit in the deck of cards represents a different exercise and the card value equals the number of reps.
For instance…if you pull a 2 of Hearts….you do 2 reps of that exercise. Follow the same format 2-10….Jacks equal 11, Queens equal 12, Kings equal 15, and Aces equal 20.
You can continue this process of flipping one card and completing the exercise until you go through the whole deck or until you’ve reached the amount of time you planned for your workout. Move through the exercises as quickly as possible without sacrificing form and try to rest as little as possible between each card/move. This will keep your heart rate up and help you burn more calories!
The exercises as we performed this week:
- Hearts = Dumbbell Squat Thrust to Shoulder Press
- Diamonds = Tricep Pushups
- Spades = Star Jumpers
- Clubs = Rear Delt Raises
Enjoy todays variation….interested in more? You will find them in our iWellness Life app.

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