We all at some time or another have experienced the office/work lull.  Most of the time we jump up to go get some extra coffee or a snack from the nearest vending machine.  I can’t deny that works…but it is short lived.  To keep your energy up for a longer duration – as well as help improve your overall energy levels in days to come you need this Office Energizer.

So lets get the blood pumping and stay fit even at your desk with this energizing workout that you can perform right in your office.  Just takes a few minutes.

Perform 10-12 reps of each exercise in a circuit with minimal rest between exercises.  Try and keep the resting to 60 seconds between circuits.  Perform 2 full circuits if you have time.

Exercise #1 – One-Leg Squat with Assistance

  1. Stand on one foot with your hands on a seat or desk in front at chest height.
  2. Lower your body towards the floor, pushing your hips back and down and bending
    your knee, using the seat/bench for support.
  3. Push through your heel to return to the top position.
  4. Keep your back flat and your head up


Exercise #2 – Pushup Elevated on Desk or Counter Top

  • Support your body on your toes and hands with your elbows bent and your hands
    up on desk or counter top.
  • Push up to a straight arm position.
  • Lower your chest back down to the step and repeat.


Exercise #3 – Lateral Raises with Water Bottles

  1. Stand upright holding the water bottles at your sides with your arms straight.
  2. Raise the water bottles up and outward to the sides to shoulder height, keeping your
    arms straight or with a slight bend at the elbows.
  3. Equipment Sub: Books


Exercise #4 – Torso Twist Standing

  • Stand upright facing to the front with your arms extended out in front at shoulder height.
  • Twist your torso to one side, turning your head and shoulders.
  • Twist back to the opposite side, allowing your hips to move.
  • Sub: Water bottles or books


Exercise #5 – Seated Supine Twists

  • Sit upright with your feet flat.
  • Turn your head and shoulders to one side, twisting your torso and place your hands at the side of the chair, keeping your feet flat.
  • Twist to the other side placing your hands at this side of the chair.


Exercise #5 – Seated Reach

  • Sit upright in a chair.
  • Raise your arms straight up overhead, clasping your hands together and look up at your hands, lifting your shoulders up to your ears.


Are you looking for some more help with your companies wellness program? (CLICK HERE) …Employee Safety & Health is Company Wealth!  Check out some of the highlights our Corporate Wellness program has achieved and then reach out to us for more information:

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JC Guidry
Exercise Physiologist, Personal Trainer, Wellness Coach, Author and Media Fitness Expert with over 20 years of experience in the health and fitness industry. Has served over 50,000 sessions from one-on-one, semi-private to large group BootCamp classes. Nationally and locally awarded Fitness expert on both ABC & CBS.


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