I admit – I LOVE STAR WARS. Always have and always will. Just hearing the main musical theme is almost as uplifting to a day as the Rocky theme is. As today is MAY THE 4TH BE WITH YOU day…I wanted to share a workout for all the Star Wars fans out there….
- Fixed Lunge Lateral Bends x 10 each leg
- Body Weight Squats x 10
- Leg Swings x 10 each leg
- Small Cats X 10
- Downward Dog to Cobra x 10
Core Ignition
- Plank Base Shoulder Taps x 10
- Kneeling Chopper x 10 each side (use weights or cable)
- Single Leg Glute Bridge to Leg Raises x 20 each leg
- Resistant Band Monster Walks x 10 steps each direction
- Repeat 2-3 times
4 Minute HIIT Battle
- Overhead BW Squats x 10
- Pushup to T Rotation x 8
- Squat Thrusts x 6
- Repeat as many times as you can for 4 minutes
<< Rest for 1 Minute >>
4 Minute HIIT Battle #2
- Free Form Reverse Lunges x 10 alt single leg
- Plank Mountain Climbers x 8
- Squat Thrusts x 6
- Repeat as many times as you can for 4 minutes
<< Rest for 1 Minute >>
4 Minute HIIT Battle #3
- Chase the Rabbits x 20
- Renegade Rows x 10
- DB Thrusters x 5
- Repeat as many times as you can for 4 minutes

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