The best cure for heart disease is to never get it! If you could take a medicine that prevented cancers and diseases, would you?
Well, it’s here. The medicine is daily exercise.
Physical activity not only lowers risk for cancers and other diseases, it improves your ability to do all you do! While we know very few of us will be posing as swimsuit models, almost everyone faces daily activities worth staying in shape for like toting heavy groceries, enjoying vacations, picking up the kids or just getting up and down easily.
There is a distinction between physical activity from your daily chores and the overall exercise you need to:
- Get stronger to better sustain the activity of everyday life.
- Strengthen muscles that support your back and joints to improve flexibility.
- Practice cardiovascular or moderate intense aerobic activity like brisk walking to improve health.
The barriers that make daily exercise habits hard to incorporate are real:
- Take breaks at work to be active. During lunch hours or just a short break, stretch and rejuvenate.
- Take the stairs for heart healthy aerobic exercise.
- Get outside for recreation and spend time with friends, family or precious alone time in nature.
Discover YOUR reasons WHY you should be consistent with a regular exercise routine:
- It’s time for yourself that you deserve to enjoy.
- To sleep better and improve your mood, to be nicer to your kids and family.
- Boost your confidence and feel good about yourself.
- Preserve your health for family and be there for many milestone-memories.
- Stay healthy to enjoy your retirement.
- Feel more energetic to do the things you enjoy in your leisure time.

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