Processed Foods
Processed foods contain additives, preservatives, nitrates, etc. These chemicals can disrupt your digestive system causing a decrease in absorption of nutrients.
High-Fat Foods/ Fried Foods
Foods high in fat can produce pale-colored stool, which is essentially excess fat in the feces. A lot of people with irritable bowel syndrome need to stay away from foods high in fat.
Spicy Foods
Spicy cuisine can irritate the esophagus and lead to pain from heartburn.
Alcohol and Caffeine
Alcohol and excessive caffeine consumption can lead to acid reflux or heartburn. Drinking alcohol can inflame the stomach lining, impairing certain digestive enzymes and preventing nutrients from being absorbed. The acidity of caffeine can irritate the intestines, which can cause stomach acid to pass through the intestines too soon.
Digestion starts the moment you put a food in your mouth. Foods that are good for digestion are generally those that make the digestive process easier.
Yogurt contains different types of bacteria, called “probiotics” which help the gut digest food. Fruits and Vegetables The fiber in vegetables helps push waste through the intestinal tract. This helps decrease any toxic buildup that can occur from the waste that your body does not excrete.The vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables will also help your body to absorb the nutrients your body needs.
Whole Grains
Whole grains, such as whole-grain bread, oats, and brown rice, are a good source of fiber, which helps digestion.
This spice has been used for thousands of years as a safe way to relieve nausea, vomiting, motion sickness, morning sickness, gas, loss of appetite, and colic. (No more than 2 to 4 grams a day)
Water is an invaluable nutrient. Every function in your body depends on water, including your digestion. Strive to drink half of your bodyweight in ounces of water each day (e.g. 100lbs = 50 oz. of water).
Foods that are processed and we are intolerant to can deplete our digestive enzymes, making it harder to break down foods in the gut. Supplementing with enzymes for a period of time can be helpful.

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