Sometimes standard cardio can be…well, lets say boring. I always say to my personal training and online training clients that workouts should (and can) be fun, stress leaving, etc. It is very important you can up your routine (cardio and exercise) every few weeks so that not only you don’t get bored – but also the change up will help keep your body from adapting to the exercises – and your success continue in a format you are happy with. So this fat blasting cardio workout is sure to help stop any boredom you may be feeling while doing standard cardio.
What you need: a timer or stopwatch, a jump rope and somewhere you can run (or use a treadmill)
Warm-up for a few minutes. You will perform each exercise for 60 seconds. After you complete each exercise, move directly to the next exercise with no rest. Perform this workout for 1-3 rounds depending on your exercise level, time, etc.
- Jog
- Jump Rope Single-Unders
- Jumping Jacks
- Jog
- Jump Rope Double-Unders
- Burpees
- Jog
- Jump Rope Single-Unders
- Mountain Climbers
- Sprint
*Double Unders are an advanced exercise. If you cannot yet perform them, feel free to do single-unders in their place.

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