Can’t you just hear it now? The “New Vegetarian Diet”, The “Cabbage Soup Diet”, and the “No diet” diet.
These are just a few out of the hundreds of diet fads out there that will only help you lose weight temporarily! and then gain it back with a vengeance.
Media and peers leaves us believing we can’t eat the foods we love such as pasta, bread and desserts. It seems like we are always hearing we have to cut everything we enjoy out of our diet. Not true!
You don’t have to stick to a diet 100%. What fun would that be?
Read on for details you don’t want to miss.
Moderation is one of the two most important nutrition factors. As long as you proportion your meals, its OK to indulge in foods you enjoy.
Think about this…Most of us don’t own fortune 500 companies and can’t buy everything we want, when we want it!
Occasionally we can afford to splurge on ourselves with material items that make us feel good such as clothes, cars, or even a vacation.
So, treat your diet like your check book.
Meaning, you can’t eat anything and everything you want, at anytime, but if you stick to a sound nutrition program about 90% of the time you will be successful and can splurge every now and then.

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