Workout and Commercials…two words that you typically don’t think you can put together that leads to a positive outcome to your fitness, health and wellness. But over the last 20 plus years I have developed hundreds of different variations for my Personal Training, Online Training and BootCamp clients. In a matter of 90-120 seconds at a time (typical commercial break) and over 16 minutes (average number of total minutes of commercials in a 1 hour show) – you can do more good than you know. Today I wanted to share a simple core workout you can do in the comfort of your home (or hotel) – right in front of the TV.
Perform the following exercises during the commercial break – switching exercises as each commercial changes – basically performing each exercise for about 20-30 seconds each.
Your Commercial 2 Minute Core Workout
Commerical #1 – Plank
Commercial #2 – Russian Twist
Commercial #3 – Reverse Crunch with a Twist
Commercial #4 – Scissor Kicks
Interested in some more commercial workout ideas? – Commercial Workout

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