Who doesn’t love chocolate chip cookies?
Who doesn’t love chocolate chip oatmeal cookies?
Who loves cookies that are healthy?
Hmmmm, I answered YES to all. And with this recipe below you will get all you want and desire in a healthy cookie!
In a food processor, blend:
- 1 scoop JayLab Pro chocolate protein powder
- 1 cup almonds (raw, unsalted, natural
- 1/2 tbsp. cocoa powder
- 2 tbsp. peanut butter-natural (with oil, not dry)
- 2 tbsp. water
Chop until all is small and uniform, and it develops into a dough vs. a powdery
meal. If it’s dry, add more peanut butter (the oil particularly), or water 1/2 a
tbsp. at a time till desired consistency.
Dump cookie “dough” onto a piece of wax paper, make a tight log, and wrap
tightly, both sides first, then roll tightly and put in the freezer. When very well
chilled (about 1 hour), take out and slice into 1/2 inch cookies. Store these in
the refrigerator in a single layer in a well-sealed ziplock baggie. Or, keep these
in the freezer, and take them out one at a time. They won’t be hard and frozen,
they stay soft because of the oil in the peanut butter, and the oils in the nuts.
Makes 12.

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