Fat Burning Swimming Workout – With A Partner
Swimming is known as an excellent full body exercise - that is low impact, but it can also be made as a high intensity...
Flat Abs Workout
Its summer time. Why not keep those abs flat and ready for the swimsuit anytime the opportunity arises. Here is a quick workout you...
Butt & Gut Workout
How is your summer ready body coming along? I totally understand - even the best of us are not always in our best swimsuit...
Weekend Ready Butt & Gut Workout
Get rid of that gut and tone that butt with these workouts that target your glutes, quads, hamstrings and core.
For each exercise, perform 10...
At Home – Staircase Workout
Getting out and about for our wellness / fitness activities is not the norm anymore. With some innovation and design - you can get...
How to use a foam roller
Foam Rolling is a easy self type of massage that can have some serious benefits such as..
Muscle tension relief
Correcting mucle imbalances
Core Strength – And Why It Is Important
Would you like to avoid back injuries?
Although there is always a risk of damaging the core – or overworking it,...
Yoga for Busy Parents
When you think of yoga, visions of a skinny guy twisting himself into a pretzel probably come to mind. But if you're expecting or...
“May The 4th Be With You” Workout
I admit - I LOVE STAR WARS. Always have and always will. Just hearing the main musical theme is almost as uplifting to a...
Get Your A.M. On!
The Benefits of a Morning Workout
For most of us, mornings are hectic. There’s that whole getting up thing. For some of us, there is...