Daily Schedule for Kids While At Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic has caused schools to close all across the country (and internationally), forcing millions of students to stay at home with parents...
DIY Hand Sanitizer
If you’re stuck somewhere and can’t wash your hands, using hand sanitizer is the next best thing. But what if you don’t have any...
iWellness Life Receives 2019 Best of Pearland Award
Press Release
iWellness Life Receives 2019 Best of Pearland Award
Pearland Award Program Honors the Achievement
PEARLAND August 30, 2019 -- iWellness Life has been...
The Fitness Oscars
The Oscars are tomorrow, and even though I'm allergic to award shows, I do love to dish out recognition...when it's deserved. So I'll start with the:
Lifetime Achievement Award
Have you...
Tabouli – A Power Salad
A Tabouli Salad is a powerfully nutritious salad that can stand alone on its own or be a component to almost any meal. It...
Habits for Weight Loss Success
Success is your weight loss and fitness efforts are just a few habits away...
Make It Public. People who succeed generally don’t keep their...
Sleeping Better
Today's tip is about sleep. We understand that long hours can take their toll on the body and cause stress to our systems. This...
Strategies for Success in Wellness
Wellness easier than you think to obtain...it is not something you need to spend hours doing or stressing just how to do it. Simple...
Squeezing in Some Exercise for Parents
In the days and life of a parent - what we call "busy"... exercise does not fall top of the list. After all it...
Social Tactics to Achieve Wellness Success
To Succeed, Tell Others About Your Goals --“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You, too? Thought I...