We live in a stressful world, and all that pressure can affect our physical and mental health, no matter how much we diet and exercise.
Luckily, there’s one thing you can do for your health that doesn’t involve what you eat or how often you hit the gym.
It also doesn’t cost a cent — but it can make a big difference. It turns out there’s an easy way to reduce stress. What is it?
Being kind to others.
Did you know that being kind is good for your health? It is! But you have to perform acts of kindness that suit you.
Kindness can mean big things — like volunteering — or little ones, like donating a coat to the needy or letting someone have your seat. How might you help people you know with a simple gesture? It’s easy.
You can improve someone’s day by simply asking about their family, offering to drive them to an appointment or simply holding the door for them.
Be nice to yourself, too.
That doesn’t just mean self-care or the occasional indulgence. It also means forgiving yourself for your shortcomings. (We all have them.)
All those people giving out free hugs might be onto something. Spreading kindness doesn’t just feel good. A kind heart is often a healthy heart.
The benefits of kindness.
Making kindness part of daily life has genuine anti-aging effects. It boosts dopamine, which is important for motor control, memory, and learning. And the oxytocin it generates helps prevent inflammation and its aging effects. Acting kindly also produces endorphins that help kill pain.
The best part: Kindness is contagious. Witnessing acts of kindness encourages your body to produce oxytocin and serotonin, which generates warm feelings that spur further kind acts.
We’ve built a great community with a lot of kind people. I’d love for you to meet them. You can get connected to them here in our iWellness Life app!

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