The Easy to Follow Secrets to Lifelong Body Transformation Results for Busy Parents
This book contains the 4 week program with the most effective, easy to follow, real life strategies to lose fat, build strength, and live a healthier and happier life.
Designed For Busy Parents (and families):
- Who are confused and frustrated looking at the hundreds of weight loss and fitness books at Barnes & Nobles and get totally lost in what to do
- Who are tired of being given a difficult meal plan filled with foods they don’t really like
- Who hate having to weight or measure every time they want to eat something
- Who don’t have time to go around a trainers schedule and being charged $50-$100 even if they have to cancel
- Who have found success in the past but found it wasn’t designed for real life and need something more permanent
- Who want to have something designed for not just them – but something the whole family can do and have fun participating in too.
Let’s face the facts….
As busy parents, with busy lifestyles – getting control of our health and fitness can sometimes feel challenging.
However, with a few simple strategies — and some daily practice — losing fat, building strength, and living a healthier life is possible for you and for everyone in your family.
What you can expect from the Busy Parent Health & Fitness Program…Within weeks, I’ll help you get into the best shape of your life – and stay that way for good.
Sign Up & You Will Receive….
12 Minutes Workouts to Burn Fat & Get In Top Shape
Each workout is designed to be completed in about 12 minute or less. Every workout is a full body and functionally designed. These quick and highly efficient workouts ensure a boost to your metabolism and burn calories for up to 36 hours after your workout! (all workouts are in print form and the follow along video format thru our app)
Meal Plans & Designer – You Never Have to “Diet”
Getting tired of McDonalds, Taco Bell or other drive thru markets? Do you thumb through old drawers or files of recipes you put away for safe keeping? Do you stare at an open refrigerator debating what to make or eat? With the Busy Parent Health & Fitness System you now have access to some quick tip tools for time saving methods to preparing healthy meals that your whole family will enjoy.
Smart Shopper Guide
Smart grocery shopping is one of the simplest habits you can get into that will help you transform your body.
Guide To Eating Out
While fast food restaurants may not offer the healthiest options, most people find themselves eating fast food from time to time so the question is, how can you make the most of your fast food meal? For that matter, how can you make the most of any restaurant meal?
Accountability & Success Guidance
You will receive not only weekly support but also daily accountability and success guides/tools to help ensure your success. But just as in a “family” – you are never alone.
Goal Tracker for Busy Parents
Acknowledging your pursuit for weight loss establishes more quickly how you’ll reach it. As you write out specifically what your goal or goals are, the more likely you will achieve it. Follow our simple goal tracking steps to ensure your positive results.
Supplement Guide
How many times have you flipped through the newest fitness magazine or walked down the supplement isle in the store looking for the “sure thing”? With the Busy Parent Fitness system we will tell you the only supplements you’ll ever need to stay healthy, avoid being sick and improve your weight loss and fitness success.
…But That Is Not It
You will also be added to our Special VIP Busy Parent / Family group where you will receive additional tips, fun family wellness challenges and workouts, as well as weekly recipes that are simply delicious and easy to make to help ensure not only your success but your entire family as well!
The result? You’ll lose the weight (and inches) you haven’t been able to shed for years. You’ll develop a better relationship with food. You’ll say goodbye to dieting, food obsessions, and body anxieties for good. Not to mention you and your entire family will find a deeper appreciation for fitness and exercise by means of easily life implementations.