Oh the wonders of pregnancy; that glow on your cheeks, the sparkle in your eyes, and the freedom to scarf and munch down almost anything you want since you are now eating for two. The most exercise you may have planned on getting was the frequent trips to the bathroom and the fridge; and of course the labor. This is what pregnancy is all about – right? It is about time to stop listening to your grandmother’s pregnant folklore, put down the bag of M&Ms, and get yourself a fitness plan.
Is That A No On The Bon-Bons?
Gone are the days where pregnant women were persuaded and encouraged to do as little physical activity as possible. Perhaps the public is remembering what is was like to be with child two hundred years ago; it is highly doubtful that Ma Kettle got to kick her feet up for nine months. She was probably picking tomatoes and green beans the day before she went into labor.
Photographs of pregnant celebrities like Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Halle Berry in track suits and towing around yoga mats have aided in making prenatal fitness popular with other women. Those gals manage to get back down to their famous svelte figures somehow. Maybe there is a method to their madness after all.
Medical studies have been confirming the benefits to exercising during the pregnancy term for some years now. The right work-outs are very safe for mothers-to-be, and also help maintain a healthy weight before the bundle of joys arrives. Even a brisk walk in the morning or evening on a daily basis can do wonders for keeping your muscles and your skin in good shape.
Staying active and healthy during your pregnancy can ward of gestational diabetes and hypertension, both of which commonly plague expectant mothers. Your weekly exercise regimen can also serve you well during your labor, possibly making it shorter and certainly without complications. You will have a much less difficult time losing that baby weight if you already have a fitness work-out schedule.
One And Two, Bend And Stretch
Your first order of business is to make an appointment with your physician and discuss your
best fitness options. It is likely that this topic will be broached in some length during your initial visits to the obstetrician. Many doctors and veteran mothers highly recommend yoga; the poses are easy on any shape or condition of body, and it is a form of exercise designed to strengthen muscles and eliminate stress.
The majority of fitness centers also employ personal trainers that will work one-on-one with members. You can schedule weekly or monthly sessions to fit your around your life. Check with your doctor’s office and your health insurance provider about places that they might recommend. It is not just about your health anymore. After all, you are living for two now.

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