At BootCamp this morning along with a Spartan Series we also did an Interval SuperSet workout combined with a Shoulder Enduro Series…both of which I wanted to share today. The entire workout takes less than 8-10 minutes and all you need is a pair of dumbbells.
Here is a sample of todays bootcamp workout:
30/30 SuperSet Series (2 minutes each superset)
SuperSet #1 – Pushups and Dips
- Perform each for 30 seconds each. Do not rest between each. Transition immediately and go for a total of 2 minutes.
SuperSet #2 – StepUps and DB Thrusters
- Perform each for 30 seconds each. Do not rest between each. Transition immediately and go for a total of 2 minutes.
Shoulder Enduro Series
2 total rounds. For the 1st round perform each exercise for 12 reps, and for the 2nd round perform each exercise for 10 reps. No rest between exercises. If you need to rest, perform that rest for about 30 seconds between the 2 rounds.
- High Pulls
- Shoulder Press
- Front Delt Raises
- Lateral Raises
- Rear Delts
- Reverse Arm Circles x 1 minute
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