Muscle fatigue and soreness limit performance and play a big role in how you feel during and after your work day. Fatigue is your body’s way of making you aware that you have reached your limit. This limit, however, can be expanded and increased by making a few changes to your lifestyle habits. The muscle fatigue and soreness that often accompanies work and exercise can be reduced, or even eliminated, if you are following the right prevention and maintenance plan.


No one is immune to muscle soreness. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is the pain and stiffness felt in muscles 24-72 hours after strenuous activity. The severity of soreness depends on the type of force placed on the muscle. Highly repetitive tasks or activities will produce more soreness and damage.

Symptoms of DOMS include:
• Swelling
• Reduced range of motion
• Tenderness
• Reduced strength in the muscle group

In order to ensure that soreness is minimized, try gentle massage and movement, get enough rest, and eat enough protein to repair damaged tissues. Ice (in a bath or massage) can also be helpful.


Food is our body’s fuel and, like an automobile, what we choose to eat has an impact on our performance. It is also important to fuel our bodies to allow for optimal recovery.

  • Carbohydrates: Eating complex, nutrient-rich carbohydrates help to give you sustained energy. Complex carbs include whole grains, fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, and beans.
  • Protein: Protein helps to regulate the release of power, maintains cells, and assists in transport of growth hormones. Healthy proteins include lean meats, dairy, eggs, beans, nuts, and nut butters.
  • H2O: Staying hydrated helps to lubricate joints, control your body temperature, and produce energy molecules.
  • B vitamins: B vitamins are important for energy metabolism, and are found in beans and whole grains, as well as leafy greens. B-12 is found in liver and other meats, or can be taken by way of an oral supplement.
  • Vitamin C: Prevalent in all citrus fruits, vitamin C is vital for the repair of connective tissue and production of collagen, the protein that provides elasticity and support to those tissues.

A great way to refuel is to eat carbohydrates
for energy and protein for repair. Meals
including both include:
– Oatmeal with fruit and yogurt
– Baked chicken and a sweet potato
– Scrambled eggs, Ezekiel bread, and fruit


Myofascial release is a form of self-massage that involves applying gentle, sustained pressure to specific areas of your body in order to reduce areas of tension in the muscles
and the muscle “covering,” called fascia.

Some of the vast benefits include:
• Decreased muscle discomfort & fatigue
• Improved flexibility & range of motion
• Decreased tension & stiffness
• Faster tissue recovery
• Increased blood flow

When your joints are not restricted in their movement, you can have better blood flow to the muscles and increased range of motion, all of which can prevent fatigue.


Concentrate on Conditioning

Your capacity to endure fatigue can be trained and improved. It’s important to condition your body to avoid frequent injury, and to maintain muscular endurance at a level that keeps up with your daily physical and mental requirements.


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JC Guidry
Exercise Physiologist, Personal Trainer, Wellness Coach, Author and Media Fitness Expert with over 20 years of experience in the health and fitness industry. Has served over 50,000 sessions from one-on-one, semi-private to large group BootCamp classes. Nationally and locally awarded Fitness expert on both ABC & CBS.


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