When we think of weight loss – we all know that food matters – but seldom do we take a moment and think about what we put our food on could help ensure our success as well.
In this day and age – the 2 typical plate sizes are 9 inches and 12 inches. Those 3 extra inches in diameter make a word of difference when it comes to the area on your dish where you can put extra food. Look at it this way, at 12 inches you can fit 25% more food on your plate! Here’s an interesting fact for you. Studies have shown that people who finished their 9-inch plate of food felt satisfied, but those who only ate 9-inches worth of food on a 12-inch plate reported still feeling hungry. Strange? Not really. Our mind plays just as big a role through our eyes as our belly does when it comes to eating. Use this information to your advantage by filling your plate with healthy vegetables, using a smaller fork, and cutting down on plate size.
WELLNESS FACT: In the 1960s, plates were roughly 9 inches in diameter. In the 1980s, they grew to around 10 inches. By the year 2000, the average dinner plate was 11 inches in diameter, and now, it’s not unusual to find dishes that are 12 inches or larger.
This tip is actually being shared from our newest program designed for busy parents, families and professionals – Busy Parent Health and Fitness

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