Let’s dive into five effective exercises that specifically target the lower abs. Strengthening this area not only enhances your core stability but also contributes to better posture and overall fitness. Remember to perform these exercises with proper form and consistency for optimal results.
1. Hanging Leg Raise
- Target Area: Lower abs and hip flexors.
- How to Do It:
- Find a pull-up bar or use a hanging leg raise machine.
- Hang from the bar with your arms straight.
- Lift your legs by bending your hips and knees.
- Aim to bring your thighs toward your chest.
- Lower your legs back down with control.
- Perform 10-15 reps.
2. Reverse Crunches
- Target Area: Lower abs and hip flexors.
- How to Do It:
- Lie on your back with your hands by your sides.
- Bend your knees and lift your legs off the ground.
- Bring your knees toward your chest.
- Exhale and curl your hips off the floor.
- Lower your hips back down without touching the ground.
- Repeat for 15-20 reps.
3. Planks with a Knee Drive
- Target Area: Lower abs and obliques.
- How to Do It:
- Start in a high plank position (forearms on the ground).
- Engage your core and lift your right knee toward your right elbow.
- Return to the plank position.
- Alternate sides and perform 10 reps per leg.
4. Lying Leg Raise
- Target Area: Lower abs and hip flexors.
- How to Do It:
- Lie flat on your back with your hands under your hips.
- Keep your legs straight and lift them off the ground.
- Raise your legs toward the ceiling.
- Lower them back down without touching the floor.
- Perform 12-15 reps.
5. Heel Taps
- Target Area: Lower abs and obliques.
- How to Do It:
- Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat.
- Lift your shoulders off the ground.
- Reach your right hand toward your right heel.
- Return to the center and tap your left heel.
- Continue alternating sides for 20 reps.
Remember to breathe throughout each exercise and maintain proper form. Consistency and patience are key to building strong lower abs. Incorporate these moves into your routine and watch your core strength improve! Wanna raise the bar even more – get access to hundreds of core workouts in our iWellness Life app 🌟💪

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