As busy parents and professionals – time is not always on our side – particularly when it comes to ourselves. And thus such things as our workouts – are one of the most popular to-do’s to be put on the back-burner. Which is why I am sharing this demo from my newest edition of the Busy Parent Health and Fitness Program. This particular workout is only 4 to 8 minutes depending on the number of rounds you perform (2 to 4 rounds)….so time is almost not a factor to putting it off.
For this workout – perform each exercise for 30 seconds. Transition between exercises with minimal to no rest. One complete round (all 4 exercises) should take about 2 minutes. Complete for a minimal of two total rounds – 4 minutes. If you have more time perform more rounds.
** You can actually even perform this as a Commercial Workout (1st exercise = 1st commercial, 2nd exercise = 2nd commercial, 3rd exercise = 3rd commercial and the 4th exercise for the 4th commercial…then repeat for each commercial break)
Exercise #1 – DB Deadlifts
Exercise #2 – Glute Bridge Marching
Exercise #3 – Russian Twist
Exercise #4 – Suit Case Abs with MB Exchange
Repeat based on your time available. Perform each exercise with the best form possible.
If you are interested in learning more about the newest version of the Busy Parent Health and Fitness program click the link below:

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