Some simple nutrition rules to think about when you think about what should we eat more of, less of, etc.
RULE #1 – Eat more…
- Fruits and vegetables
- Low-fat and low sugar dairy
- Whole natural grains
- Lean protein
- Salads and broth based soups
- Beans and Legumes
RULE #2 – Eat less…
- Cereals and sweetened yogurt
- “Fake foods” like rice cakes
- Snacks such as granola bars and wheat crackers
- Salty or fried snacks
RULE #3 – Eat a lot less often…
- Sweetened drinks such as soda and iced tea
- White carbs such as bread, pasta and rice
- Bagels, muffins, cakes and cookies
- Butter, mayonnaise, and full-fat salad dressing

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